Category: Cross Browser Compatibility

How to test web site in IE7, IE8, and IE9?

Here is the way totest web site pages in IE7, IE8, and IE9.

How to write Browser Specific HTML CSS in PHP

Here is code which Web designer and web developer can use to make some code browser specific only in php. Many times Web designer and web developer require to put in browser-specific HTML / CSS in your files, because most often the pages are rendered differently (esp. IE). You can detect what browser the user is […]

How to Update Joomla login/ Register page

Some time we want to edit/ customize Joomla login page. go to $yourwebsite/components/com_user/views/login/tmpl/default_login.php open & edit default_login.php

Facebox Jquery Lightbox implementation

Facebox is a jQuery-based, Facebook-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages. It’s simple to use and easy on the eyes. Download the tarball, view the examples, then start enjoying the curves. more detail about the jquery plugings click here Download Facebox v1.3

Using Jquery Confilict for using multiple javascript framework

Using above jquery code we use different multiple javascripting framework.

Using jQuery and MooTools Together

IE8 X-UA Compatibility Meta Tag Properly

You may face Cross browser compitabilty issue in IE8, So we can use X-UA Compatibility Meta Tag Properly. it will tell browser to render as per older version.

how to specify CSS hack for specific browser Cross browser compatibility

Here are some browser specific css hacks….

Create an Image Sitemap for your WordPress Blog

Unlike video content, Google crawlers can easily discover most images that are embedded in your web pages. However, if a page on your site has multiple images, Google may have a problem identifying which among them is the most relevant image for the content of that page.

The Best Mobile Plug-in for your WordPress Blog

If you looking to make your WordPress blog more mobile friendly, look no further than MobilePress – it’s a free WordPress plugin that instantly provides a great looking mobile version of your site.

Useful CSS Snippets for Developers

CSS is no doubt up there with the most important web languages that we use. While html provides the structure it can be inconsistent and unpredictable across different new and old browsers. Css is where the html is styled though, and where we get creative as well as addressing those inconsistencies. Below is a fantastic list […]

Internet Explorer common bugs

IE6 will become problematic if floats are overused, causing (paradoxically) disappearing content or duplicate text IE6 will double the margin on floated elements on the side that is the same direction as the float; setting display: inline will often fix this In IE6 and IE7, if an element doesn’t have layout, it can cause a […]

Differentiate between block elements from inline

Here are some basic rules that differentiate block elements from inline:

The Principles Of Cross-Browser CSS Coding

It is arguable that there is no goal in web design more satisfying than getting a beautiful and intuitive design to look exactly the same in every currently-used browser. Unfortunately, that goal is generally agreed to be almost impossible to attain. Some have even gone on record as stating that perfect, cross-browser compatibility is not […]