Category: XHTML Coding

How to Remove extra linebreaks and spaces in Dreamweaver

How to remove extra spaces While the document is open in Dreamweaver, press CTRL+F to load the Find & Replace dialog box. Do the search on the source code view. Check the box “Use regular expression” and uncheck any other boxes. Find: [\r\n]{2,} Replace: \n The hit “replace all” That’s it!

how to specify CSS hack for specific browser Cross browser compatibility

Here are some browser specific css hacks….

How to Migrate your Blog from to a Personal Domain

Move Blog to WordPress.orgThis guide is for bloggers who plan to move their site from to a personal web domain using the self-hosted version of WordPress blogging software (

Useful CSS Snippets for Developers

CSS is no doubt up there with the most important web languages that we use. While html provides the structure it can be inconsistent and unpredictable across different new and old browsers. Css is where the html is styled though, and where we get creative as well as addressing those inconsistencies. Below is a fantastic list […]

Internet Explorer common bugs

IE6 will become problematic if floats are overused, causing (paradoxically) disappearing content or duplicate text IE6 will double the margin on floated elements on the side that is the same direction as the float; setting display: inline will often fix this In IE6 and IE7, if an element doesn’t have layout, it can cause a […]

Differentiate between block elements from inline

Here are some basic rules that differentiate block elements from inline: