Category: Wordpress Security

List of WordPress Sanitize functions or methods for DB query variables

When working with SQL database queries in WordPress, it’s essential to sanitize input data to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities. WordPress provides several functions and methods for sanitizing database query variables. Here’s a list of commonly used ones: Using these sanitization functions and methods appropriately in your WordPress code ensures that input data is properly sanitized […]

How to Moving WordPress Plugin Folder

If you don’t want to change the location of the entire wp-content folder in wordpress but just want to move the plugins folder then you can change this location the same as above. For the plugin folder location we need to define the variable WP_PLUGIN_DIR.

How to WordPress Move Wp-Content Folder To Different Location

Move the wordpress wp-content is for wordpress security if you move this to an unexpected location any hackers looking to target this area won’t be able to find it, or it will make it more difficult to find. To change the location of the wp-content is quite simple as the location of this folder can be configured […]