Home » Development » nvm is not working in the window?

I am working on multiple projects as usual and tried the normal solution to use node version manager via the command nvm ls to list available versions in the window

nvm ls

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and then nvm use targeted version via using nvm use *****

nvm use 14.21.3

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But this is not working as expected in the window.

So here is an alternative solution.

Step 1: Rename current nodejs folder in C:\Program Files\nodejs to nodejsx

Step 2: run npm ls to list all install available versions (see above step). If want to install a specific version then run

nvm install 8.17.0

8.17.0 is the version of nodejs

Step3: After listing and checking the install node version in the window system, use

node use 8.17.0

Step 4: confirm the current version by running node -v

node -v

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