Category: Wordpress Tip and Tricks

How to Redirect User to a custom page after registration

Below is code to redirect User to a custom page after registration Thanks TheDeadMedic for the tip!

How to Use Typekit fonts in WordPress theme

Typekit is a useful service which allow you to use countless different fonts on your website or blog. They do provide a WordPress plugin to easily add their fonts to your WordPress site, but there’s no built-in solution for integrating Typekit fonts directly to your theme. Here’s a code to do it. 

Super useful wordpress Plugins & Tools for WordPress Developers

Here are some time Super useful wordpress Plugins & Tools for WordPress Developers Below are some growing collection of WordPress plugins, and discovered some great resources for my WP “developer toolbox.” These are some super-useful plugins and tools for debugging, logging data, working with translation files, analyzing performance, and making otherwise difficult tasks efficient and manageable. […]

How to WordPress Move Wp-Content Folder To Different Location

Move the wordpress wp-content is for wordpress security if you move this to an unexpected location any hackers looking to target this area won’t be able to find it, or it will make it more difficult to find. To change the location of the wp-content is quite simple as the location of this folder can be configured […]

How to disable the WordPress Update Notice

Here is wordpress php function code to Disable the WordPress Update Notice from wordpress backend. Simply add that to your functions.php file and click save and the notices will disappear. :) Source:

How to disable file edition in WordPress admin

Here is useful wordpress code snippet to disable file edition in WordPress admin Just paste the following (or only the needed line) in your wp-config.php file. This file is located at the root of your WordPress install. Thanks to Paulund for this useful code snippet!

How to Set Featured Image automatically in WordPress

Here is way to set featured image automatically in WordPress.. Have a look at below code block,  function which you can place in your function.php of active wordpress theme and its done. So simplly follow is the steps which I have coded in this wordpress function: Select all posts Get first attached images of the […]

Return ID of the parent page if parent page exists in wordpress theme

This is a great little snippet that will let you return the ID of the parent page if the page has a parent in wordpress. Just add this snippet to the functions.php of your wordpress theme and your ready to get wordpress the parent page ID.

WordPress Get parent page ID if exists

This is a great little wordpress snippet that will let you return the ID of the parent page if the page has a parent in wordpress

How to Create a Custom Database Error Page in WordPress

Paste the code below into a new file. Name it db-error.php and save it on your wp-content directory. In case of a database error, WordPress will automatically use this file. Simple, yes, but more effective than the default error page at facilitating a rapid response. Again, because this is a regular PHP file, we can […]

How to remove The admin bar on the frontend in WordPress

Here is code to Remove/ disable the top wordpress admin bar from front end in WordPress. The admin bar on the frontend can be a bit of a pain if your using absolute / fixed positioning, or maybe you just hate it? Let’s get rid of it. Copy paste code in Function.php of your theme […]

How to automatically add a class to body_class if there’s a sidebar

To apply the hack, just paste the code below into your functions.php file to add automatically body class to body tag based on sidebar active.

How to Stop WordPress Trackback Spam Completely

If you are an owner of a WordPress blog, then most probably you might be facing some WordPress trackback related spam in your blog and if your blog has some good amount of blog posts then this problem escalates and it’s quite difficult to control the problem.

how to add WordPress pagination without plugins

Simply paste the following code where you want to display your pagination enjoy…

Top ten most popular online blog publishing services.

A blog is a great way to express your thoughts, create a web presence for your company and provide content to Internet users. If you’re planning to create a blog, but don’t wish to get into the hassles of hosting, developing and deploying it yourself, consider creating a blog at any of the free blogging […]

How to display your latest tweets on your WordPress blog without any plugin

Simply paste the following code anywhere in your theme files, where you want the tweets to be displayed.