Category: Wordress Security

How to Moving WordPress Plugin Folder

If you don’t want to change the location of the entire wp-content folder in wordpress but just want to move the plugins folder then you can change this location the same as above. For the plugin folder location we need to define the variable WP_PLUGIN_DIR.

How to WordPress Move Wp-Content Folder To Different Location

Move the wordpress wp-content is for wordpress security if you move this to an unexpected location any hackers looking to target this area won’t be able to find it, or it will make it more difficult to find. To change the location of the wp-content is quite simple as the location of this folder can be configured […]

How to Stop WordPress Trackback Spam Completely

If you are an owner of a WordPress blog, then most probably you might be facing some WordPress trackback related spam in your blog and if your blog has some good amount of blog posts then this problem escalates and it’s quite difficult to control the problem.

11 Quick Tips to Securing Your WordPress Site

WordPress is the most used open-source platform nowadays for any type of websites: whether it is blog, CMS or any other custom solution. WordPress is naturally based on PHP (among other languages), so, as a PHP developer I always make sure to cover/apply some tips for WordPress to make secure and speedup the site which […]

11 Ways To Secure Your WordPress Blog

Securing your WordPress blog is the most important thing that you must do after you have set it up on your server. There shouldn’t be any reason for you to leave your WordPress wide open for hackers to creep in and steal your information and/or destroy your data. Here are 11 ways that you can […]